Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Kemuda Institute 4th Convocation Ceremony

KEMUDA Institute celebrated their students successful journey to graduation during the 4th Convocation Ceremony at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Berakas.

On hand to present the certificates to the 253 graduates was Pehin Orang Kaya Pekerma Laila Diraja Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Hazair bin Haji Abdullah, Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports. Special awards were also presented to 21 graduates by Tariq Mohammed Ali Bahhah, Charge d'Affaires ad interim Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Brunei Darussalam.

The "Kemuda Institute Executive Chairman" award, considered as the highest recognition, was given to Siti Majeedah binti Haji Ali Asgar of Level 5 in Diploma in Business IT by Dato Paduka Haji Abdul Razak bin Haji Muhammad, Executive Chairman of Kemuda Institute.

These special awards are to recognise the students academic excellence in their specialised fields. Pengiran Haji Masri bin Pengiran Haji Othman, Managing Director of Kemuda Institute, underlined that they are currently offering courses ranging from Advanced Diploma, Diploma, and Certificates in Computer Studies, Computing, Business IT and information Technology, which is the result of cooperation with "NCC Education", the United Kingdom and the Council of Technical Education and Vocational Brunei Darussalam (BDTVEC) The institution will also offer Microsoft Office specialist course through the Microsoft IT Academy program for its students which will be implemented in January next year.

According to him, the primary mission of the institute is to build responsible and academically successful students while preparing them for real life working experiences. Based on a survey conducted by the Kemuda Institute, Pengiran Haji Masri revealed that all successful graduates found employment within six months after graduation. This proved IT-related fields are still relevant and vital in industries nationwide. 

Moreover, Kemuda Institute has also adopted the "Key Performance Indicator" approach to measure performance and thus provide incentives to teachers based on the achievements of their respective students. From its humble beginnings with just one class and one computer lab, Kemuda Institute has grown to achieve yet another milestone with the fourth graduation and will continue to contribute positively to the country while providing a second chance for students to pursue their studies.

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